Thursday, July 7, 2011

Glenn Beck

I am a subscriber to Glenn Beck’s website as well as his new network: GBTV. I discovered him on Fox News over a year ago and he has done a fantastic job exposing corrupt politicians and other powerful people in Washington and he is best known for raising awareness among the American people about what’s really going on in our country. I’ve read (and own) all of his books and I often quote him on my FaceBook wall. Of course, this has resulted in many spirited and interesting debates.

It may just be that I am biased towards Glenn because I share his political views but I have noticed that among his detractors, the only real complaints I have heard is that he’s loud, opinionated, conservative, and that he spews ‘vitriol and hyperbole.’ Really? My question is this: when did these things become a crime? And why do they warrant other claims that Glenn is a bigot, a racist, and that he’s hostile? What proof do they have? I can honestly say that after watching many hours of his show and reading all of his books, I have never once seen anything in them that would suggest he is any of these things with the exception that he is loud, opinionated, and conservative. What television personality isn’t two out of three of these things? That’s his job!

Recently, I became incensed when I read what Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, the chairman of the New Black Panther party had to say about Glenn Beck and his new network. He claims that Glenn’s uses fear mongering to sway his audience and even accused him of being a “false prophet.”
You can see the video here:

But the nonsense doesn’t stop there. I stumbled across this lovely little gem today:
Apparently, Ahmed Ezz El-Arab, the vice chairman of Egypt’s Wafd Party said he truly doesn’t believe the Holocaust really happened and that the U.S. Government was behind 9/11. In addition, he said, “American soldiers with double Israeli nationality and Jewish religion ‘stole Jewish antiquities from the Babylonian exile period and had them reburied in Jerusalem to cement the Jewish historical claim on the city’.” What does this have to do with Glenn? He has been warning us for some time now that we should pay attention to the Muslim Brotherhood because they are dangerous to us. In my opinion, putting the spotlight on foolish commentators like El-Arab and on a group of people who may be worth watching carefully hardly qualifies as racism.  

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